Welcome to LiveObs Selenium’s documentation!


To get started using the LiveObs Selenium library you first need to include it in your project. You can do this adding the following to your requirements.txt:



Once you’ve got the library installed you can then import the page object models to interact with the LiveObs GUI.


from liveobs_ui.page_object_models.login_page import LoginPage

def login_into_liveobs(username, password):
    Log into the LiveObs Mobile Frontend
    :param username: Username of user to log in with
    :param password: Password of the user to log in with
    login_page = LoginPage(self.client)  # self.client must be a webdriver
    login_page.login(username, password)

You shouldn’t need to import the element selectors as these are intended for use within the page object models themselves. If you do need to use the element selectors then it’s suggested that you create a pull request with the functionality to add this back into the liveobs_selenium library.

Indices and tables