Source code for liveobs_ui.page_object_models.common.base_liveobs_page

""" Common interaction functions """
import time
import logging
import as ec
import as ui
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import Select
from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.form_selectors import \
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.navigation_selectors import \
from \
    import get_element_selector

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseLiveObsPage(object): """ Base Page for all LiveObs Interaction """ def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver self.default_wait = 20
[docs] def wait_for_element(self, element_selector, hidden=False, wait_time=None): """ Wrapper around WebDriverWait to wait for specified element to become visible :param element_selector: Element Selector tuple :type element_selector: tuple :param hidden: Check if element is hidden or not :type hidden: bool :param wait_time: Custom time to wait :type wait_time: int """ condition = ec.visibility_of_element_located(element_selector) if hidden: condition = ec.invisibility_of_element_located(element_selector) if not wait_time: wait_time = self.default_wait ui.WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait_time).until(condition)
[docs] def click_and_verify_change(self, el_to_click, el_to_verify, hidden=False): """ Wrapper around clicking an element and then waiting for a change in the page and verifying said change by ensuring an element is visible :param el_to_click: Element to click to induce change :param el_to_verify: Element to look for to verify change :param hidden: Should check for if element is now hidden or not """ self.wait_for_element(el_to_verify, hidden=hidden)
[docs] def fill_out_form(self, data): """ Using the provided list fill out the form Expected Data Format: .. code-block:: python { 'name': 'respiration_rate', 'value': '18', 'type': 'textbox' } :param data: list of dictionaries that contain field names, value to enter and field type """ for field in data: value = field.get('value') name = field.get('name') data_type = field.get('type') field = self.driver.find_element_by_name(name) if data_type == 'select': self.fill_select_field(field, value) else: self.fill_input_field(field, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_locator(element): """ Get locator for element :param element: webelement we want to generate locator for :return: Locator for supplied element """ return By.NAME, element.get_attribute('name')
[docs] def fill_select_field(self, element, value): """ Select an option in a select field :param element: Select we want to sort out's webelement :param value: Value to select in the select field """ select_select = Select(element) select_select.select_by_visible_text(value) element.send_keys(Keys.TAB) ui.WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.default_wait).until( ec.text_to_be_present_in_element(self.get_locator(element), value) )
[docs] def fill_input_field(self, element, value): """ Enter a value into an input field :param element: webelement we want to add value to :param value: Value to enter into input """ self.enter_input_value(element, value) ui.WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.default_wait).until( ec.text_to_be_present_in_element_value( self.get_locator(element), value))
[docs] def enter_input_value( self, element, value, autocompleted=False, dropdown=False): """ Enter a value into an input field :param element: webelement we want to add value to :param value: Value we want to add :param autocompleted: If should wait for autocomplete box to show before continuing :param dropdown: If should wait for the different type of dropdown to show before continuing """ element.send_keys(value) if autocompleted: self.wait_for_element(FORM_VIEW_AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER) if dropdown: # Commented out as it's unreliable to wait for the text drop down # to popup # self.wait_for_element(FORM_VIEW_AUTOCOMPLETE_TEXTDOWN) time.sleep(1) element.send_keys(Keys.TAB)
[docs] def enter_many2one_tag_value(self, element, value): """ Add value to many2one tag input then verify that the tag has been added :param element: many2one tag input element :param value: value to add to the many2one input """ self.enter_input_value(element, value, dropdown=True) ui.WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.default_wait).until( ec.visibility_of_element_located( ( By.XPATH, '//div[@class="oe_form_field oe_tags"]/div/div/div/' 'div[@class=\'text-tag\']/div/span[contains(text(), ' '"{}")]'.format(value) ) ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def element_is_displayed(element_object): """ Verify that an element is visible on the page :param element_object: the object or element to verify :return: either True/False for the element being displayed """ try: return element_object.is_displayed() except ElementNotVisibleException as error: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_state_of_el(element, attribute, state): """ Return if attribute on element is a particular state :param element: Webelement :param attribute: attribute to find :param state: expected value :return: bool """ return element.get_attribute(attribute) == state
[docs] def get_element_by_lookup(self, element_name): """ Get an element by the lookup :param element_name: look up term to match :return: webelement """ return self.driver.find_element(*get_element_selector(element_name))
[docs] def verify_page_loaded(self, app_view): """ Waits for a specific element to be visible on the screen the 'desktop' or 'mobile' app to ensure the page has loaded before progressing :param app_view: Either 'mobile' or 'desktop' """ if app_view == 'desktop': self.wait_for_element(LEFT_NAVIGATION_ITEMS) else: self.wait_for_element(HEADER_CONTAINER)