Source code for liveobs_ui.page_object_models.desktop.list_view_common

""" Common functionality for list views """
from import By
from liveobs_ui.page_object_models.desktop.desktop_common import \
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.list_selectors import LIST_VIEW_ROW

[docs]class BaseListViewPage(BaseDesktopPage): """ Common functionality for list view pages """
[docs] def get_list_items(self): """ Get a list of items in the list view :return: list of list items """ list_items = self.driver.find_elements(*LIST_VIEW_ROW) return [el for el in list_items if el.text.strip() != '']
[docs] def get_list_item_by_name(self, search_string): """ Get a specific list item for the supplied string :param search_string: String to find in row :return: element for list item with string it in """ list_items = self.get_list_items() for list_item in list_items: if search_string in list_item.text: return list_item
[docs] def open_list_item_by_name(self, search_string): """ Find the row in the list for the search_string and open the item :param search_string: string to find in the list item """ list_row = self.get_list_item_by_name(search_string) self.open_list_item(list_row)
[docs] def open_list_item(self, list_item): """ Open the supplied list item :param list_item: List Item to open """ item_id = list_item.get_attribute('data-id') selector = LIST_VIEW_ROW if item_id: selector = ( By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.oe_webclient .oe_application .oe_view_manager_body ' '.oe_list_content tbody > tr[data-id=\'{}\']'.format(item_id) ) self.click_and_verify_change(list_item, selector, hidden=True)
[docs] def wait_for_list_view_to_load(self): """ Wait until the list container has loaded, useful for ensuring that nothing is executed until the view has loaded """ self.wait_for_element(LIST_VIEW_ROW)