Source code for liveobs_ui.page_object_models.desktop.nursing_shift_change_wizard

""" Interaction with the Nursing Shift Change Wizard """
from liveobs_ui.page_object_models.desktop.modal_view_common import \
from liveobs_ui.page_object_models.desktop.allocation_wizard import \
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.nursing_shift_change_selectors import \
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.allocation_wizard_selectors import \
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.view_selectors import VIEW_MANAGER_WAIT
from liveobs_ui.selectors.desktop.form_selectors import FORM_MANY2ONE_INPUT, \

[docs]class NursingShiftChangeWizard(BaseModalPage): """ Interacting with the Nursing Shift Change Wizard and it's different stages """
[docs] def start_nursing_shift_change(self): """ Click the Nursing Shift Change menu item to start the wizard """ self.go_to_page('Nursing Shift Change') self.wait_for_element(WIZARD_STAGE_CONTAINER)
[docs] def get_confirm_button(self): """ Get the button to take the user to next stage of the wizard :return: webelement for button """ return self.driver.find_element(*WIZARD_VISIBLE_BUTTON)
[docs] def confirm_stage(self): """ Confirm the data in the current stage and move to the next one """ confirm_button = self.get_confirm_button() self.click_and_verify_change(confirm_button, VIEW_MANAGER_WAIT)
[docs] def go_to_deallocate_stage(self): """ Go to the deallocation stage """ self.confirm_stage() self.wait_for_element(WIZARD_DEALLOCATE_BUTTON)
[docs] def go_to_roll_call(self): """ Go to the roll call stage """ self.confirm_stage() self.wait_for_element(WIZARD_ROLL_CALL_BUTTON, wait_time=120)
[docs] def go_to_allocation(self): """ Go to the allocation stage """ self.confirm_stage() self.wait_for_element(WIZARD_ALLOCATION_BUTTON)
[docs] def go_to_end(self): """ Go to the end of the wizard """ self.confirm_stage() self.wait_for_element(WIZARD_STAGE_CONTAINER, hidden=True)
[docs] def set_ward_for_shift_change(self, ward_name): """ Set ward in ward selection box in Nursing Shift Change Wizard :param ward_name: Name of the ward to set """ modal = self.get_currently_open_modal() ward_select = modal.find_element(*FORM_MANY2ONE_INPUT) self.enter_input_value(ward_select, ward_name, autocompleted=True)
[docs] def select_ward(self, ward_name): """ Get currently logged in user's ward and select it in dropdown :param ward_name: Name of ward to select for Nursing Shift change """ self.set_ward_for_shift_change(ward_name)
[docs] def collect_current_allocation(self): """ Get the current user(s) -> bed allocation from the de-allocation screen :return: list of dictionaries representing beds and the different nurse and HCA users allocated to that bed """ self.wait_for_element(MODAL_TABLE_ROW) self.wait_for_element(VIEW_MANAGER_WAIT, hidden=True) table_rows = self.driver.find_elements(*MODAL_TABLE_ROW) user_map = {} for table_row in table_rows: bed = table_row.find_element(*DEALLOCATION_TABLE_BED_COL).text nurse = table_row.find_element(*DEALLOCATION_TABLE_NURSE_COL).text hcas = table_row.find_element(*DEALLOCATION_TABLE_HCA_COL).text user_map[bed] = { 'nurse': nurse, 'hcas': hcas.split(',') } return user_map
[docs] def roll_call(self, user_list): """ Add all users that were originally on ward back into ward :param user_list: list of names to enter into input so these users can then be allocated to the beds in the ward """ modal = self.get_currently_open_modal() user_select = modal.find_element(*FORM_MANY2ONE_TEXTAREA) for user in user_list: self.enter_many2one_tag_value(user_select, user) self.confirm_stage()
[docs] def allocate(self, allocation_map): """ Allocate users to beds :param allocation_map: dictionary containing mapping of users to beds """ self.wait_for_element(MODAL_TABLE_ROW) self.wait_for_element(VIEW_MANAGER_WAIT, hidden=True) table_rows = self.driver.find_elements(*MODAL_TABLE_ROW) for row_number in range(0, len(table_rows)): self.wait_for_element(MODAL_TABLE_ROW) self.wait_for_element(VIEW_MANAGER_WAIT, hidden=True) table_row = self.driver.find_elements(*MODAL_TABLE_ROW)[row_number] allocate_button = table_row.find_element(*ALLOCATE_WIZARD_BUTTON) bed_name = table_row.find_element(*ALLOCATE_TABLE_BED_COL).text allocation = allocation_map.get(bed_name) if allocation: self.click_and_verify_change( allocate_button, ALLOCATION_WIZARD_TITLE) allocation_wizard = AllocationWizard(self.driver) allocation_wizard.set_allocation( allocation.get('nurse'), allocation.get('hcas'))