Source code for

Page Object Model for Data Entry Page
The Data Entry Page allows the user to submit observations and escalation tasks
from import \
from import \
from import \

from import BaseMobilePage
from import ModalPage
from import PATIENT_INFO_BUTTON, \
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException

[docs]class DataEntryPage(BaseMobilePage): """ Class that handles interacting with the data entry form """
[docs] def get_data_model_from_form(self): """ Get the dataa model for the form so we can use this to determine what to do """ form = self.driver.find_element(*FORM) return form.get_attribute('data-type')
[docs] def open_patient_info(self): """ Open the patient information popup in the floating header """ patient_info_button = self.driver.find_element(*PATIENT_INFO_BUTTON) self.click_and_verify_change(patient_info_button, PATIENT_INFO_POPUP)
[docs] def close_patient_info(self): """ Close the patient information popup, opened by pressing the button in the floating header """ close_button = \ self.driver.find_element(*PATIENT_INFO_POPUP_CLOSE_BUTTON) self.click_and_verify_change( close_button, PATIENT_INFO_POPUP, hidden=True)
[docs] def open_full_patient_info(self): """ Open the full screen patient information popup """ full_info_button = \ self.driver.find_element(*FULL_SCREEN_PATIENT_INFO_BUTTON) self.click_and_verify_change(full_info_button, FULLSCREEN_MODAL)
[docs] def close_full_patient_info(self): """ Close the full screen patient information popup """ full_close_button = self.driver.find_element(*FULLSCREEN_MODAL_BUTTON) self.click_and_verify_change( full_close_button, FULLSCREEN_MODAL, hidden=True)
[docs] def submit_form(self): """ Try to press the submit button on the form. Otherwise scroll down and try again. (Scroll implemented to deal with EOBS-1864) """ form_submit_button = self.driver.find_element(*FORM_SUBMIT_BUTTON) try: self.click_and_verify_change(form_submit_button, MODAL_DIALOG) except WebDriverException: self.driver.execute_script( "window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);") self.click_and_verify_change(form_submit_button, MODAL_DIALOG)
[docs] def cancel_form(self): """ Press the cancel button on the form (if present) """ form_cancel_button = self.driver.find_element(*FORM_CANCEL_BUTTON) self.click_and_verify_change(form_cancel_button, MODAL_DIALOG)
[docs] def confirm_submit_scored_ob(self): """ Confirm the 'Submit Score of X for Y, Z' modal that pops up after first pressing the submit button for scored observations. """ modal_page = ModalPage(self.driver) modals = modal_page.get_open_modals() scored_modal = modals[0] modal_page.click_modal_option(scored_modal, 'Submit')
[docs] def take_escalation_task(self): """ Take the escalation task presented to the user once an observation that has escalation tasks is submitted """ modal_page = ModalPage(self.driver) modals = modal_page.get_open_modals() escalation_modal = modals[0] escalation_modal_options = \ modal_page.get_modal_options(escalation_modal) if len(escalation_modal_options) > 1: modal_page.click_modal_option(escalation_modal, 'Confirm') else: modal_page.click_modal_option(escalation_modal, 'Go to My Tasks')
[docs] def submit_cancellation_reason(self, cancel_reason): """ Select the specified cancellation reason and submit the modal to cancel the task :param cancel_reason: Name of reason to select """ modal_page = ModalPage(self.driver) modals = modal_page.get_open_modals() cancel_modal = modals[0] modal_page.select_reason_in_modal(cancel_modal, cancel_reason) modal_page.click_modal_option(cancel_modal, 'Submit')
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_attribute_path(field_input): """ Identify the class of the input field and return the specific locator for their attributes :param field_input: the general locator for the field :return: locator for the attribute in the DOM """ attribute = field_input.get_attribute("class") if 'obsField' in attribute: return field_input.find_element_by_xpath( "div[@class='input-header']/input") elif 'obsSelectField' in attribute: return field_input.find_element_by_xpath( "div[@class='input-body']/select") else: raise ValueError(" {} element doesn't belong to specified classes" .format(field_input))
[docs] def verify_obs_form_displayed(self, obs_type): """ Finds the data-type attribute for the currently open observation form and compares the result to the expected data-type as per the obs_type selected :param obs_type: the observation selected """ obs_form = self.driver.find_element_by_id('obsForm') self.element_is_displayed(obs_form) return self.get_data_model_from_form() == \ get_element_selector(obs_type)
[docs] def verify_obs_field_displayed(self, obs_field): """ Locates a specific field in an observation form and verifies its visibility :param obs_field: the observation field to look for """ field_selector = get_element_selector(obs_field) obs_fields = self.driver.find_element(*field_selector) return self.element_is_displayed(obs_fields)
[docs] def verify_obs_field_not_displayed(self, obs_field): """ Locate a specific field in an observation form and verifies it is not visible :param obs_field: the observation field to look for """ field_selector = get_element_selector(obs_field) obs_fields = self.driver.find_element(*field_selector) return not self.element_is_displayed(obs_fields)
[docs] def get_clinical_risk_in_popup(self, cli_risk_expected): """ Locates and returns the risk from an observation in the confirmation popup :param cli_risk_expected: value expected to be returned :return: string in specified element """ element_locator = get_element_selector(cli_risk_expected) popup_element = self.driver.find_element(*element_locator) if popup_element: return popup_element.text