Source code for

Page Object Model for List Page
The List Page is a base class for the task and patient lists as they use the
same template to render content
import random
from import BaseMobilePage

[docs]class ListPage(BaseMobilePage): """ Class that handles generic list page functionality """
[docs] def get_list_items(self): """ Get a list of the items in the task / patient list :return: A list of ``a`` tags from the list :rtype: list """ return self.driver.find_elements(*LIST_ITEM)
[docs] def get_list_item(self, text_to_find): """ Get a specific item from the list :param text_to_find: Text that should be in the list item to be found :type text_to_find: str :return: The list item if found or None """ list_items = self.get_list_items() list_item = [el for el in list_items if text_to_find in el.text] if list_item: return list_item[0] return None
[docs] def open_item(self, list_item): """ Open (click on) the supplied list item and ensure that the page has been successfully loaded :param list_item: List Item to click on :return: True if successfully opened item, False if not """ list_item_url = list_item.get_attribute('href') self.click_and_verify_change(list_item, LIST_CONTAINER, hidden=True) return list_item_url in self.driver.current_url
[docs] @staticmethod def get_patient_from_item(list_item): """ Get the patient's name from list item :param list_item: WebElement for List Item :return: name of patient the list item is about """ patient_name_el = list_item.find_element(*LIST_ITEM_DATA_NAME) return patient_name_el.text
[docs] @staticmethod def get_task_info_from_item(list_item): """ Get the .taskInfo element from the list item :param list_item: WebElement for List Item :return: text inside .taskInfo element of List Item """ task_info_el = list_item.find_element(*LIST_ITEM_DATA_INFO) return task_info_el.text
[docs] def select_random_patient(self): """ Finds a random patient in the patient list and selects it :return: selects and opens patient """ patients = self.get_list_items() patient = random.choice(patients) self.open_item(patient)