Patient Page

The Patient Page shows the user the observation information about the patient they have selected. From this screen they can select an observation to carry out ad-hoc, change the observation data they are looking at and change the rapid tranquilisation status of the patient.

Class Methods:


Class that handles interacting with patient graphs and ad-hoc observation menu


Close the ad-hoc observation menu


Find the specified observation and open the observation form

Parameters:observation_name – Name of the observation to open
Returns:Boolean. Returns if the page is the intended observation

Select the specified observation from the ad-hoc observation menu

Parameters:observation_name (str) – Name of the observation to select
Returns:WebElement for that observation

Get a list of the ad-hoc observations in the ‘Take Observation’ menu :return: list of WebElements


Press the ‘Take Observation’ button to open the ad-hoc observation list


Open the ad-hoc observation menu, find the specified observation and open the observation form

Parameters:observation_name – Name of the observation to open
Returns:Boolean. Returns if the page is the intended observation